Jeremy Woolsey
(English follows)
会期:2018.4.25 ~ 9.17
Japan in Architecture: Genealogies of its Transformation, Mori Art Museum, 2018.4.25–9.17
This exhibit, which introduces Japanese architecture from the Jomon period to the present, provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the history of Japanese architecture. From Ise and Izumo shrines to the buildings of Tange Kenzō and Andō Tadao, all the masterpieces of Japanese architecture are present here. On the other hand, I can’t deny that I felt some unease with the concept of the show: namely, that it fell into the “Cool Japan” type of discourse. Before I went to the show, I read Isozaki Arata’sJapan-ness in Architecture, so I will reference it in reviewing the show below.
First, I’ll quote Isozaki’s definition of “Japan-ness” from this book: “Japan-ness belongs to the gaze of the outside looking in. “Japan” becomes a subject, an Other for the gaze. For a Japanese person, in the position of accepting modernity, one searches for the other inside ones own self” (52, Japanese edition). Isozaki sees the representation of a continuous lineage of architecture in Japan from ancient times to today to have been primarily constructed and interpreted by Westerners. Frank Lloyd Wright’s interest in Japan stemmed from a misreading of Okakura Tenshin’s Book of Tea, for example. In addition, Bruno Taut “rediscovered” Ise Shrine and Katsura Imperial Villa and positioned them as anticipating international modernism in the 1930s. He disregarded these sites’ historical context and viewed them as purely functionalist.
I won’t go any further into Isozaki’s book here, but it seems that his critical approach to the history of Japanese architecture was missing from this exhibit. Inside, many Japanophiles, such as Wright, Taut, appear, but their writing is quoted as such with no attempt to critically interrogate its premises. Conversely, the nationalism latent in Okakura and Tange’s writings is ignored as well. The biggest structural problem with this exhibit is its positioning Japan in a binary with the West, one which ignores exchanges between Japan and other Asian countries. Now, more than ever, Japan needs to be positioned as part of East Asia, rather than simply a foil to the West.