Experiments for Conviviality
Sumitomo Lab
この前身として2017年度のゼミでは冊子を作製し、それに「Experiments for Conviviality」という名前をつけました。そのなかの「キュレーターズ・ノート」という文章にタイトルの意味を記していますが、私自身が西洋の美術を学び、その後1990年代後半からアジアの美術に触れてきた経験から、この地域のアートの実践をイヴァン・イリイチに倣って「共に(con)生きる(veve)」という言葉で言い表してみたいと考えました。英語圏では陽気さや友好さとして解釈されることも多い言葉ですが、近訳では「自立共生」という言葉が使われています。
ウェブサイト制作:Yishu Hang, 中谷圭佑, 田中直子, 金 秋雨, Hyesu Cho, 張 一博
ロゴデザイン:中澤耕平/STUDIO PT.
This website is run by the Sumitomo Lab, part of the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Global Arts. This field of graduate study is composed of the three courses of Research, Art Management, and Curation. The research activities of the Sumitomo Lab are primarily driven by students studying Curation.
The material here is focused on the projects conducted in the seminar, but also includes reviews of other exhibitions, performances, and events which have drawn the interest of the students. The writing is done by Lab members, but also sees the participation of students in other courses. This website was launched in the hopes that by means of it, the projects conducted by the Lab through exchanges of opinions with students, drawing on Fumihiko Sumitomo’s experience at the museums and art projects, could be shared with readers.
The predecessor to this website was a pamphlet published by the seminar in the 2017 academic year, entitled “Experiments for Conviviality.” The curator’s notes section of the pamphlet explained the meaning of the title, but personally, from my experience studying Western art, and interacting with Asian art from the late 1990s, I wanted to borrow from Ivan Illich and represent local art practice with the words “together (con)” and “live (veve).” In the English-speaking world, the word “convivial” has connotations of cheerfulness and friendliness, but a commonly-used translation in Japanese means something closer to “independent coexistence.”
As suggested by the title, we will introduce the experiments of curators, researchers, and other people who are involved with society through a variety of art practices. (Text by Fumihiko Sumitomo)
Produced by Yishu Hang, Keisuke Nakaya, Naoko Tanaka, Qiuyu Jin, Hyesu Cho, Able Zhang
Logo designed by Kouhei Nakazawa/STUDIO PT.
The career paths of the graduates include working at places such as the Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, the Yayoi Kusama Museum, the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, the Mori Art Museum, the National Museum of Art, Osaka, the Kyoto Art Center, among others. Some have also been active as artists.
Association, Conference and Journal Links for Curatorial Studies